Saturday, January 29, 2011

im bueno-ing :)

hello readers :) 
i love chocolates.haha!pakah?oh watevr.i just nak share kat sni.i ni boleh dikatakan selalu lah jugak makan chocolate.hihi.i tak kesah pun if mkn chocolate bulih gumuk :p haha!yang pnting aku happy okay! you tayah nak sebok sngt tentang ape yang i nak makan.lantak ah if aku yg aku merepek ni ha?
eh~ eh~
i suke ikut mumy pergi supermarket, sebab i main ambek je ape yg i nak makan.hihihi.beli makanan bnyk-bnyk pastu simpan kat rmh lame-lame.aneh jgn risau Evangline yg akan habiskan.bayangkan.dady cakap *nah $ ni pakai beli sayo.atukkuii! if cikit tape gak.duit bnyk tu nak bawak g beli sayo je?hehe.boleh buat bisnes jual sayo dah :D 

p/s : if nak tahu brape jumlah $ yg dady bagi just untk beli sayo,jngn segan-segan tnye i :p haha! AKU BUKAN MOK NGESO OKAY!

ni lah kerje i dlm krete.sambil tgu kerete tu bergerak.i pun bersenap -senap lah dngn camera kesyngn lah kunu.haha!

i tak lah cute sngt.haha!ignore the face.nti smbung balik cite pasal kinder bueno :)

hai semua.i kembali untk mnaip lgi.hihi.just now hve to stopped sbb mumy ajk keluar :) wahh hujan tak brhenti-henti lah dri pagi tdi.nak swim pun tak dpt :( sedihnye i.jum smbung blik cite pasal 'kinder bueno' ni.chocolate ni taklah mahal sngt.yg i tahu 4.20 kot.ntah i baise beli main ambek je.tak tgok harge pun :p sorry~ kalau i ingt nti sbelum beli, i tgok harge dulu.tu pun kalau i ingtlah.nah,ini sedikit info pasal KB :)

Kinder Bueno is a chocolate bar frm is a hezulnut cream filled wafer with a chocolate covering.Kinder Bueno originally comes frm Germany,whre is was first released in 1990 . it became available in Latin America (Brazil,Argentina,Colombia and Mexico)
Malaysia,Singapore,Israel and Greece in the mid- 1990s
in Spain, Italy and France starting in 1999 , and has been common in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom since 2004
it is also common in Romania, Croatia, Norway, Slovenia Serbia, Denmark, Republic of Macedonia and Finland.a few stores in the United Statescarry it, but because of its rarity, it can be very expensive.Kinder Bueno is only sold in packs of two, three, six, and boxes of twelve.
In 2007, Kinder Bueno was relaunched aimed at an adult market with a new series of adverts "a little bit of what you fancy" aired in the UK and Ireland.on the 20th of August 2008 Ferroro released a new sort of Kinder Bueno, Kinder Bueno White.
Kinder is the German word for "children". Bueno is the Spanish word for "good".

and and and
Bueno consists of a creamy, slightly nutty filling, sitting on a thin layer of wafer, wrapped in milk chocolate.that's proper milk chocolate made with cocoa butter, for those of you that dont like British chocolate which is made with vegetable fat :DDD
 I suke KB and its my if i tgh makan chocolate.watevr chocolate it is.tolong jngn kacau.i takan share ngn org lain kecuali DANIEL :)
okaylah.malas nak mnaip lgi.beku dah jari ni sbb sejuk sngt.oh hujan bila you nak brhenti ni ha? i really need a sunny i can go out and swim :) byeeebyee.

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