Friday, December 31, 2010

Memories in 2010

Hey semua,

i thu ni gamba lame tp tak slhkan if i nak smpan.nsib baik lah gamba2 semua ni msih i smpan.kalau tak.ape lah nak jdi dngn org yg mcm i ni.bukan ape kdang2 i maen buang je sume gmba oh.haha.kali ni i tak buang pulak.sengal i :p 
ni lah semua knangan i dngn gf i CA&FC 
Dulu kteorg rapat sngt.sekarang pun msih rapat lgi.smpai nak g mne2 pun bertiga je,org pun dh ta heran tgok kerenah kteorg yg agak aneh sdikt.hihih.yelah,klau i tde dorng berdua je,ckp pun snyap2 hahaha mcm tkut org nak mkn ade i,okay lah skit *evil laugh.i syg sngt sngt kat dorng ni.i ngis dorng ngis,i ketawe dorng ketawe,dorng p cabar i
i pun ngok p ikut.hahaha.sot lah :p mkn same mnum same.tidur same.semualah sme.kecuali bf je tak same.hehe.prkara yg paling kita org suka buat ialah ACTING hihih.its the best part of us.i selalu je dberi watak gedik,mengapakah?adakah i mpunyai ciri-ciri sprti itu.aduhh.tak malu pnya eva.dorng due ni lain pulak.mesti dpt watak alem.hihi.korang baik sngt ke?YES korng mmg baik sngt2 baik smpai tgalkan i kat blkng sorng2 kalau bjln :( tp xpe i msih syg korng *hais bisin bnyi mercun ya! xpa BEST!
tp i msih syg kat korg.sbb i thu korng syg sngt kat i.betul tak CA&FC?

ni picture mase kat klpac,pent sngt berlatih untuk "I'M FREE" / ayamfree :D time ni tngh bgi ikan-ikan kaka eshter mkn.maklum lh dh lame sngt terbiar.hihih :p jgn mara kaka,i gurau FC yg ambil.hish!nak ambil gmba kteorg pun tak bgthu dlu.nasib baik i syg you :) btw thnks dear.ini picture i look ugly -,-'' watevr,i still love it!

haa! ini kteorg pgil kumsel ikan.haha.CA mnunjukn cara-cara mcm mna mau mnjdi seorg "penjala manusia" 
bukan jala ikn ttp manusia.pham tak?i cakap manusia.hihih.CA ni bnyk ckp lah.nak ketuk je kepala dia tu :p pun cumil.hihih.thnks to EA sbb ambil picture ni *EA tu i lah ngok :p

masa kaka esther belnja icecream.yummyumm taste good bila mkn brsama CA&FC

uinah! inilah muka cute FC,cute kan.bgi i cute lah.tatau pulak korng.dun judge her!im warning you!

btw,i love you guys.BGFFE ya :) 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

She was a couple who do not want to lose and never give up. Honesty and fairness are characteristics that make him respected. In the matter of love she wants to give the best to her loved ones :')

"Evangeline,let me see your smile" 
"alololo hodohsnya"



McDonald's locations, Mid Valley Megamall 

Our lunch. Yupe! McDonald's~ hehe
We need something that will be served fast because I'm totally hungry. So we were there. My sister expression was kind of weird in the photo. LOL

Jess can't wait to eat those SUSHI! Not the burgers or fries yaww!

Mom's always order the same drink because it's her favorite drink for sure :) 
But how's the coffee taste like? 
I dislike COFFEE!




Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Juliet Simms / Automatic Loveletter

I want to cut my hair like her! 

I want! I want!

I can do whatever I want with my hair. People who talk so much just SHUT UP!

MEGAN FOX (nenek I yang hot)

2011 is coming

I'm going to miss this year of 2010
Had lots of wonderful memories in this year. I wish time has play,pause,forward and rewind button 
silly me huh, I knew its impossible. And I don't know why but I want time to freeze now.
Moreover this is my last year of  being in high school. I'm going to miss the classes, teachers and school mates
Ohyes! I'm strong enough to leave the high school. Can't wait to see "the world' out there.
Although I'm strong I still need to know what is the meaning of life.  
Or maybe I'm not that "STRONG" yet. But soon to be!
Yes I will 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The legend of zelda

One of my holy grails in dealing/hunting vintage is to own,if only for a moment,a piece by ZELDA WYNN VALDES.When we think of the silhouette of the glamorous songstress of the 1950s,the look is definitely hourglass.and the hourglass definitely the signature look of a Zelda.Her dresses were as strong and powerful as she was.the first black woman to own a business on Broadway in the 1940s and a favorite of talents like Dorothy Dandridge,Ella Fitzgerald and Gladys Knight.I've read she often had to be on hand for dressing her clients for stage to sew them into their form fitting gowns!

Who better to design the first costumes for the scantily clad Playboy Bunnies?Though tame in comparison to today's bunnies (or for that matter,for today's realty TV stars), the look was all Zelda.waist whittled, bust lifted,hips accentuated.

Her pieces are few and far between in the world of vintage collection,but worth appreciating if only in pictures!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Capturing photos in car while waiting for my mom =.="  buhsan ba!